Thursday 4 April 2013

Drawing 1, Part 1, Mark Making and Tone - Making Marks - 1 Holding Pens and Pencils

I originally wanted to do this exercise as quickly and as simply as possible, but then turned into something that I needed, a practise for using different medium.
I did a practise drawing in charcoal pencil rather than graphite, I probably should have sketched it out in pencil first to see if it fit on the paper as I lost the top of the box of baby food but it felt good to do something completely in charcoal.
1st rawing with charcoal and Pencil
1st rawing with charcoal and Pencil
I wanted to produce the finish drawing in watercolour pencil, but I needed to get work up some confidence as I had never used watercolour pencils before so did an initial drawing in ordinary colour pencils, and I'm glad I did as it taught me a few crucial lessons.
1. I would never buy any drawing tools made in Thailand again, the leads kept breaking.
2. Next time I produce a colour pencil drawing to use paper with less tooth, rough paper is hard for blending.
3. Place objects at the best angles so I don't have to spend hours producing every bit of detail.
4. Read the exercises in the course materials properly. Most of these objects were cylinders with only 1 box and no packets.
2nd Drawing Colour Pencil
2nd Drawing Colour Pencil
After completing the colour pencil drawing which wasn't great as I left a lot of text out off the objects plus the tin in the the middle was too light (the rough paper making it hard to blend) I went to do a bit of shopping. This time I purchased Faber Castell watercolour pencils not trusting the Masterart ones I had in the drawer and some A3 watercolour paper.
I changed a few objects, I had to use the gravy for Sunday dinner so swapped that for parsley sauce, swapped the tin for a big bag of Nesvita cereal drinks, took the plastic lid off the Rosa tin and swapped the baked beans for a bag of Tipco something or other that the school director gave me for Christmas.
3rd drawing watercolour pencil on watercolour paper
3rd drawing watercolour pencil on watercolour paper
I've never used watercolour pencils or watercolour paper before so instead of spending hours trying to learn how to use them through trial and error I jumped onto YouTube to have a look at a couple of videos.
However once I started the exercise I learnt some more valuable lessons:
1. This probably want the best medium for this exercise with all the writing on the boxes.
2. I probably should have used a heavier paper, the 190 I was using begun to warp like mad.
3. The video was not enough I should have practised before doing this exercise.
Even though I did not rush through this exercise (it took a good few hours split up over a couple of days) the final drawing in my eyes looks a complete mess due to the very reflective purple box in the middle that made me lose my rag. However I am happy that I allowed myself the chance to start using watercolour pencils and to be honest for the first drawing ever with this medium, I don't think I did too bad even though it does looks better without my glasses and my eyes squinted.
Overall the shapes were fine, the shapes between the objects were pretty much perfect and there is depth there so in that respect I was successful.

View my official learning log for Drawing 1 at: 

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